Crypto Degenerates

My second podcast endeavor was called the Crypto Degenerates, and it was a weekly show that discussed news and events in the cryptocurrency industry. We did our best to keep it interesting, and Darko and I had a great repor and developed a pretty solid rhythm. Though our audience was never very large, we did have some die hard fans that really enjoyed the show.

As with Crypto Freakshow, Degenerates was a partnership between Crypto Tonight and Vacant Minds Media, cohosted by Darko. Production switched to Vacant Minds Media, while distribution was still over the Crypto Tonight YouTube channel. The show ran 3 seasons over 2 years, and I am proud of the results.

During the course of the show, the format evolved, and we worked our way towards producing a better product. We transitioned from 30 to 60 FPS framerate, producing a more stable image, and eventually to 4K at a time when most video podcasts pushed 1080p.

For the 3rd season, we had a regular segment during every show called "Tech Talk with Roland Swazey." Roland was the alter-ego of a friend of mine, Eric Dilliard, who I becamse friends with during the McAfee 2016 campaign when he volunteered his services. Each week, Eric would put on a wrestling mask and transform into Roland, a demented tech support guy. Eric has since passed away, so I'm glad he got to be a part of the show and that we had that time together. He is missed.

Crypto Degnerates ended its run at my instigation. I was worn out, and had become disillusioned with the crypto space in particular and the world in general. I did not have it in me to continue. Darko and I have discussed doing a new show, and it remains a possibility. But for now, I am proud of the legacy the franchise leaves behind, and I think we did some nice work.

A profession is always a misfortune, it means limitation and resignation.

Hermann Hesse
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